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Photo Booth

The Photo Booth has a lot of success during weddings, birthdays, parties, or even professional seminaries.

You can take pictures of yourself, you and your friends or colleagues, with ou without accessories.

You have the choice between 2 possibilities :

- A selfie terminal 


- a more personalised  animation : I take the pictures myself, adapting the frame to each group, size, hight etc.

If needed, I bring accessoires (hats, wigs, boas, glasses, etc) and a backdrop (neutral, or in the theme of your partie. It can also simply be made by you or your florist).

Included : up to 100 prints (10x15cm) and/or an illimited number of pictures on a web gallery.

The personalised animation requires a 4mx4m space

Price : 450 € (either of both animation).

+100 € / 100 more prints

Valérie Kattan Photographe

EI - 3 place Adolphe Barette - 27200 VERNON

09 70 97 19 14

EI - Siret 790 178 818 00031

Voir mes horaires d'ouverture

Opening hours

Située à Vernon dans l'Eure (27), tout près de Giverny, et à 45 minutes de Paris, Valérie Kattan Photographe EI intervient en Normandie, dans les Yvelines (78), dans l'Oise (60) et en Eure et Loir (28).

Equipée d'un studio mobile, elle réalise des reportages photo pour les entreprises (portraits, photo en situation, locaux, événements, séminaires, photographie culinaire), pour les particuliers (photos d'identité  portraits professionnels, EVJF, mariage, grossesse, naissance, nouveau né, portraits de famille) et des books pour les comédiens et mannequins.

Elle donne également des cours de photos de 6 à 106 ans, en individuel ou en groupe. Thèmes allant des bases de la photo à la retouche sur logiciel professionnel.

Located in Vernon, Eure (27), very near Giverny, and 45 minutes from Paris, Valerie Kattan Photographer EI operates  in Normandy,  Yvelines (78), 'Oise (60) and Eure et Loir (28).

Equipped with a mobile studio, she performs photo coverage for companies (portraits, in situ pictures, venues, events, seminars, culinary art pictures), for private events (Identity photos, professional photographies, Bachelor parties, weddings, pregnancy, babies, family portraits) and books for comedians and models.

She also teaches photography from 6 to 106 years old, in private or in groups. Themes vary from photography basics to editing on professional software.

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© 2022  by  Valérie Kattan (Me, myself and I)

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