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Legal Notice

Introduction of the Website

In virtue of the article 6 of the law n° 2004-575 date from 2004, June 21 th for the trust in digital
economics, it’s define to users of the website : the identity of all
contributors as part of her realisation and monitoring
Owner : Valerie Kattan - 17 rue St Lazare - 27 200 VERNON – Compagny Register 790 178 818
00023 – NAF 7420Z – Registration at RCS of Evreux – Phone number : 06 78 81 50 38
Creator : Valérie Kattan
In charge of publication : Valerie
The responsible of publication is a physical or moral person.
Webmaster : Valerie Kattan – Phone number : 06 78 81 50 38
Web Host : WIX


General conditions of use of the site and the services offered

The use of the website involve the full acceptance of the general conditions
hereafter described. Those general conditions may be modified or complete at any time, users of the
website are invited to consult regularly.
This website is accessible at any time to all users. A disruption for upkeep can be decided by Valerie
Kattan, who do her best to communicate with the users the time and date of the intervention.
The website is regularly updated by Valerie Kattan. The same way, the
General conditions can be updated. Users are invited to consult it as often as possible

Description of services

The website’s purpose is to give users informations about all activities of the
Valerie Kattan does her best to give on the website informations as precise
as possible. However, she could not be held responsible of omissions, inaccuracy or deficiency in
updates, make by her or her partner who give her informations.
Every information indicated on the website is given as a guide, and is
susceptible of change. Additionally, the informations on the website are not


Limitations contractual about technical data

The website use Wix’s technology.
The website couldn’t be held responsible of any equipement damage. Also, users of the website
commit to access the website with recent equipement virus free and a recent explorer.

Intellectual property and counterfeits

Valerie Kattan is the owner of intellectual property rights on every element on the website, for
exemple texts, pictures, logos, sound or software's.
Every counterfeit, copy, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of elements on the
website, whatever the way use is forbidden, except with an written permission from Valerie Kattan.
All unautorized use of the website or any element on it will be considered as a counterfeit and will be
prosecuted following article L.355-2 and the intellectual property code.

Responsability limits


Valerie Kattan could not be held responsible of any damage cause on user’s equipements, by
accessing the website, due to a bad use of the equipement, or the
appearance of a “bug” or an incompatibility.
Valerie Kattan couldn’t be held responsible of indirect damage due to the use of the


Personal data management (GRDP)

In France, personal data are protected by the law n° ° 78-87 date from January 6 th 1978, the law n°

2004-801 date from august 6 th 2004, article L. 226-13 of the penal code and European directive 

october 24 th 1995.


On the occasion of the use of the website, can be collected: email address of
users who used the contact form, URL of the link used by the users to access the
website, the internet service provider, the IP address of the user.
In any case, Valerie Kattan only collects personnal informations about the user related to some kind
of services proposed on the website
The user supply those informations in full knowledge of the cause, notably when he enters himself
those informations. It is explained to the user of the website the obligation
or not to give those informations.
In compliance with 38 and following of the law 78-17 date from January 6 th 1978 related to the
informatics, data and freedom, every users prone to the access rights, correction and contradiction
about personnal data about him, by writing and sign his application, send with a copie of his ID card
with his owner signature, and the address where the answers should be send.
Not any personal information about the user of the website will be published,
trade, send, or sell on any support, without the user agreement.
Assuming that the society Valerie Kattan and those rights are buying, this could allow the
transmition of the informations to the potential acquirer, who will be in the obligation of conservation
and modification of data concerning users of the website
The website is not announced to the CNIL because it does not collect personal informations.
Database are protected by the law date from July 1st 1998 transposing directive 96/9 date from

March 11 th 1996 related to the legal protection of database.
Addition in May 2018 result RGDP:

Personal informations collected by Valerie Kattan outside of the website are just the minimum (Last
name, First name,(and therefore gender), email address, phone number, address) are only used to
contact clients before and after photo shoots or reports.
Contact details are keept 3 years. Sexual orientation of clients will be freely released as soon as
clients decide to do some couple pictures. Thoses pictures will only be used with the written
permission of the client (through terms of uses)
In case of the use of Social Network, the privacy policy will be applied to.
Field with an asterisk (*) on the contact form that the user can complete are all necessary to answer
his request, the other fields are optonal.
The user guarantee that all informations given to Valerie Kattan are true, and commit to do any
change in those informations. The user is the only responsible for untrue info that are given or of the
damage caused at Valerie Kattan or outsiders who use provides services by Valerie Kattan.
Valerie Kattan informs users of disposition she takes about the new regulation, she guarantees the
safety of personal informations.

Internet link and cookies

The website includes some internet links to other website with the
autorisation of Valerie Kattan.
However, Valerie Kattan cannot check the other websites contents, and she will not be held
responsible for contents.
A cookie is a small piece of text sent to your browser by a website that you visit. It helps the website
to remember information about your visit, like your preferred language and other settings. That can

make your next visit easier and the site more useful to you. Cookies play an important role. Without
them, using the web would be a much more frustrating experience.
We use cookies for many purposes. We use them, for example, to remember your safe search
preferences, to make the ads you see more relevant to you, to count how many visitors we receive
to a page, to help you sign up for our services, to protect your data or to remember your ad


Jurisdiction awarding

Every disagreement with the usage of the website is subject to the french
The jurisdiction awarding is for the Rouen courthouse.

Laws concern

Law n° 78-87 date from january 6 th 1978, modified by the law n° 2004-801 date from august 6 th

2004 .
Law n° 2004-575 date from June 21 st 2004.

Users : People who connect online and access to websites.
Personal informations : « informations that allow, in any form whatsoever, directly or not, the
identification of physical people » (article 4 of the law n° 78-17 dat from January 6 th 1978).

Valérie Kattan Photographe

EI - 3 place Adolphe Barette - 27200 VERNON

09 70 97 19 14

EI - Siret 790 178 818 00031

Voir mes horaires d'ouverture

Opening hours

Située à Vernon dans l'Eure (27), tout près de Giverny, et à 45 minutes de Paris, Valérie Kattan Photographe EI intervient en Normandie, dans les Yvelines (78), dans l'Oise (60) et en Eure et Loir (28).


Equipée d'un studio mobile, elle réalise des reportages photo pour les entreprises (portraits, photo en situation, locaux, événements, séminaires, photographie culinaire), pour les particuliers (photos d'identité  portraits professionnels, EVJF, mariage, grossesse, naissance, nouveau né, portraits de famille) et des books pour les comédiens et mannequins.


Elle donne également des cours de photos de 6 à 106 ans, en individuel ou en groupe. Thèmes allant des bases de la photo à la retouche sur logiciel professionnel.



Located in Vernon, Eure (27), very near Giverny, and 45 minutes from Paris, Valerie Kattan Photographer EI operates  in Normandy,  Yvelines (78), 'Oise (60) and Eure et Loir (28).


Equipped with a mobile studio, she performs photo coverage for companies (portraits, in situ pictures, venues, events, seminars, culinary art pictures), for private events (Identity photos, professional photographies, Bachelor parties, weddings, pregnancy, babies, family portraits) and books for comedians and models.


She also teaches photography from 6 to 106 years old, in private or in groups. Themes vary from photography basics to editing on professional software.



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  • LinkedIn - Valérie Kattan

© 2022  by  Valérie Kattan (Me, myself and I)

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